
Jerry Fletcher

Jerry W. Fletcher, is a former military and commercial pilot. He earned his Bachelor of Arts and Master’s Degrees, in Public Relations, from Texas Tech University. As a United States Army Chief Warrant Officer during the Vietnam era, Fletcher flew Air Calvary “nap-of-the-earth” aero-scout missions and performed duties as a maintenance officer/test pilot/instrument instructor.

Later, in commercial aviation markets, Fletcher earned his Airline Transport Pilot Rating and his Commercial Multi-Engine Fixed-Wing Rating. Fletcher performed duties as Chief Pilot and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Check Airman for offshore helicopter operations in the Gulf of Mexico; he was Director of Operations for 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 135 helicopter and fixed-wing executive charter operations; and he flew emergency medical hospital transfers and scene responses for 18 years.

Throughout his flying career, Fletcher personally authored FAA-approved Operations Manuals, Operations Specifications, Flight Training Manuals, Safety Management System (SMS) Manuals, Hazardous Materials Manuals, Business Plans, Grant Requests, and Proposal Responses. After he quit flying in 2004, Fletcher dedicated himself to writing domestic and international proposal responses for Evergreen Aviation. He began writing proposal responses, in 2009, earning Certificates of Training through Shipley and Associates in Proposal Management and Proposal Writing.

Summary Of Skills